I know the Christmas is gone but a look at all done in Christmas is a must. So this is year Christmas brought me my exam. But that's ok because Christmas is more important ;)
So the first step was definitely decking up the Christmas tree and that got a bit tricky because the plant didn't grew up well and was almost half naked. It had only some of the bushes to it and we even thought of buying a tree. But we went ahead with that one only and bingo it turned out to be so good , the pictures are definitely not doing the justice to what it actually looked. I think that I have noticed is that if you really want something , then even the flaws goes away. When we completed decorating it completely, it looked as beautiful as a dream. What do you think about it?

After decorations, you just need to celebrate and have fun with friends and family. This is my most favourite time of the year as its full of positivity and love. Prayings and candles and everything decked up with bright lights all around. A cake cutting is a most on the day of Christmas and this has become every year ritual. 

The gifts excites me as well and the sweets and yummy food. But this years Christmas wasn't just that as my exams were on , in fact I had an exam on Christmas Day only. But that didn't matter as Christmas celebrations were full on. Well I don't really want to talk much, let's jump onto more pictures.
